Donate to Education!

   We completely recycle all types of commercial electronic equipment and material. Including all information technology and telecommunications infrastructure, mainframes, PCs, switches, routers, interactive voice response units, automatic call distributors, monitors, printers, fax machines, modems, cellular phones, board level components and various other types of plastics, paper, cardboard, foam, and metals.

Pick Up or Drop OFF:

 We pick up your unwanted equipment, no matter how much or how little, and haul it away for responsible recycling and disposal. Another option, you as the customer can choose to drop you waste off at our facility for a more cost effective service.

Secure and Store Data:

 To protect your business and personal data, when you recycle, we offer secure and certified destruction of harddrives or hard copies that contain sensitive business or personal information. In addition, we can store it for you in our facility guaranteeing the utmost security.


  We offer numerous types of warehousing and trucking services, including shipping, receiving, inventory management, and labeling. In our state of art facility, 25,000 square feet of warehousing with a fully equipped office, which will meet all your logistic needs.


   Each piece of equipment and/or material is tracked, disassembled, carefully separated and eventually utilized as feedstock for various raw material extraction processes (including smelting and refining). These raw materials are in turn used to produce new products.